Monday, February 28, 2011

Bicycle Love

Last week, Yasu’s bike got stolen... Finally! It was a terribly crappy bike which had broken down after using it less than 10 times. We didn’t have the receipt anymore and it wasn’t worth it to get fixed. We didn’t really know what to do with it, so we left it unlocked near the front door in our building, months ago. We were surprised how long it took for it to be stolen.

Anyways, ever since the theft I’ve been dreaming about our old and wonderful bikes in Osaka. We miss them terribly, and they’ve inspired this week’s treasury.

Oscar Nominees

Cute Stools

Cuteness from House Beautiful


Sunday, February 27, 2011

(jpeg from

Taller con IED_Barcelona: "La Casa dels Xuklis" (Spain)

WHAT IS A propuso al Istituto Europeo di Design_Barcelona colaborar juntos en la creación de uno de los espacios de la La Casa dels Xuklis_Barcelona, lugar de acogida para las familias de niñ@s con diagnóstico de cáncer que tienen necesidad de desplazarse a los hospitales de referencia para seguir el tratamiento médico.

El espacio elegido de nuestra intervención es "la habitación de los juegos". >>>Fotos

Taller: 21-25 de febrero 2011 en IED_Barcelona. Presentación del proyecto: 2 marzo en La Casa dels Xuklis. Inauguración de La Casa dels Xuklis: mayo 2011.
  • De IED_Barcelona participan el profesor Horge Pérez, la alumna Paula Rodríguez y los ex-alumnos Álvaro Ramos, Arnaldo Sánchez y Daniel Velarde.
  • De La Casa dels Xuklis/AFANOC participan Eulàlia Acuña, Irene Costa, Albert Latorre, Marisol Teva.
  • De WHAT IS A participa Jorge Raedó.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

THANK YOU CASSIE - primitive & proper tip

I'd like to thank
for her generous experience she has chose to share on my


Stop by and check out her tip here.
I'd also like to take this oppurtunity
to thank Cassie for featuring my
frightening to french shelf project.
For the full post go here:
French Bookshelf project.

HERE'S THE RECIPE - french cabinet

You need a bucket of that,

 A whole lot of pieces of this,

 One of these,

 Two of these,

 A few of these,

 And you can have this!

This dental molding is trim stolen from a dresser.

Old wooden drawers are a great source
for building materials.

The side panels and top are from the
 huge midcentury desk shown earlier.

The top edge profile is a drawer front.
The same drawer shown above.

All the shelves are made from drawer
fronts or backs.

I've mounted a touch light system in the top
with 3 brightness's

I have dressed it for use in the kitchen
or dining room. However it could be used
in many areas of your home.
Where would you like it to go in your home?

Another great cabinet I pieced together can be found here

I'm sharing this build at:
Boogieboard CottageFurniture Feature Fridays504 Main
The DIY Show OffA Marvelous MessPhotobucket