Wednesday, November 30, 2011

LINEN AND LACE - tree skirts

Some assumed this photo I showed yesterday was a new coat,
but really it is a tree skirt I have made from repurposed linens.

This large one is made from a set of 4 pillow cases.

They look amazing under the trees.

This is a no sew skirt

There is a large white cotton and lace, a small white cotton one, and ...

this medium sized light blue one made from an old duvet cover
all available starting this Friday at

located at
12958 19th ave in SouthSurrey

Dec 2nd - 3rd - 4th
Friday 10am - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 6pm

A NO-SEW tutorial can be seen here:

and a SEWN tutorial can been found here:

Nov 30, 2011 National Republican African American Caucus [NRAAC] Encourages Cain to Stay in Presidential Race

National Republican African American Caucus [NRAAC] Encourages Cain to Stay in Presidential Race

In the wake of sexual misconduct allegations against GOP presidential contender Herman Cain, the National Republican African American Caucus [NRAAC] national chair, Dr. Jean Howard-Hill says short of a primary endorsement, the NRAAC stands with Mr. Cain and encourages him to remain in the race.

Dr. Jean Howard-Hill, who also has taught American Government at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga points out, "Politics is a hard ground where even if everyone else who is judging you is also with fault, once you enter the arena, attempts will be made to find everything possible to raise the issue of guilt. It is all about discrediting your opponent in an attempt to create an advantage."

She says that although it is not meant to be about race, Mr. Cain also brings to this election and also to the Republican Party, hope that the party (at least at the grassroots level) is embracing the idea of people of color being supported for elected positions.

"We look out on the national scene and see so few to none of us. Seeing how the GOP has embraced Mr. Cain, as African American Republicans we can't help but be encouraged and inspired."

Howard-Hill says that Mr. Cain has to deal with these allegations, but should do it in such a way that it does not slow down his pace or cause supporters to question his abilities or integrity. Having his wife at his side, she believes makes a big difference and is his strongest defense.

As a female, personally she contends, "It is not within the nature of a woman to stand with her man, if she believes he has done her wrong. So if Gloria Cain can still support him and be at his side, perhaps this is an indication that the allegations may not be concerning enough to have significant impact. Whether this is true or not, remains to be seen."

The NRAAC intends to support Mr. Cain's right and need to stay in the race, until there is a more compelling reason for not doing so.

According to Nat'l Chair Howard-Hill, "even if he does not become the GOP presidential nominee, the vice presidential spot is not out of reach. Therefore, he has to stay strong and continue to contend for the number one presidential spot."

About the NRAAC

The National Republican African American Caucus is an organization that is comprised of Spirit filled people of faith within the African American community, that works in conjunction with local, state and national party efforts to embrace, and offer African American Republicans opportunities for inclusion and involvement in the Republican Party, and builds bridges between the African-American community and the Republican Party.

Additionally under the organization's umbrella are other ethnic groups comprised of people of spirit and truth that fall under the organization as distinct caucuses, addressing issues unique to their individual ethnicities. NRAAC offers membership not only to Republicans, but also to Independent and Democratic Affiliates who share our core values.

The organization has at the center of its core values, the commitment to first be examples of Godly principles, and to integrate those principles within our everyday life, including politics, to make a positive difference. However, NRAAC is not a religion, nor is it an affiliate of any denomination. It is an independent political organization that recruits those who are Spirit filled and people of faith to bring about principled and positive change within the political arena.

For more information, visit the NRAAC's website. [NRAAC's Official website] [NRAAC] National Republican African American Caucus Social Issue Network (members only) [NRAAC Blog] [NRAAC Youth on the Horizons Blog] [NRAAC New Generation-New Direction Blog] [NRAAC National Chair's Blog]
Illinois [ILRAAC] Illinois Republican African American Caucus Social Issue Network (members only)

Also can be found on the RNC group page at

Contact Person:

Dr. Jean Howard-Hill,
NRAAC National Chair
423-544-9696 cell
423-521-4294 NRAAC office

"Google celebrates Mark Twain's 176th birthday today with its latest doodle, which depicts a famous scene from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Unique Gifts for Him: Part I

Did you miss Black Friday? No, we didn't either! We have to admit though, Cyber Monday is increasingly gaining popularity for us. Why not do all your Christmas shopping cozy in bed? That's where we come in.
The holiday mania has started...  and let's get one thing straight: leaving gifts until the last minute is a BIG no-no when it comes to any occasion, and it's the worst around the holidays... (Because of all those parties, remember? You're going to be very busy!)
Let's start off with the hard part: giving gifts to guys. We dug through the products this season to bring you the BEST of what's out there, conveniently organized according to who he is in your life. This is only round one, so if you're hungry for more..stay tuned! We've got you covered. 

For the husband: We don't know many arty/techie/memory obsessed guys who don't want this camera. The Contour has the largest lens of any POV camera and captures gorgeous 1080p video. Award winning and coveted by many, he will NOT forget this Christmas present.

For the boyfriend: The SuperTooth Disco. Nope, we didn't know what it was either...but it sure looks like he might. If he's a music lover, this rolling pin sized rechargeable blue tooth stereo with a built in subwoofer will blast his ipod/itunes/rhapsody/spotify music out the water.
SuperTooth Disco
For the guy you just started dating but REALLY REALLY like:
Pioneer Waterproof earbuds: for the guy that goes to the beach, runs, bikes or hikes in the rain, snow or his own sweat:

Is his stuff rough around the edges? Help him product the electronics that mean the most: this extreme sleeve for an Ipad is made by GForm, and is sure to keep it safe.

For Dad: Fill it up with his favorites and you have the perfect container for entertaining. This classic 16th century Italian replica globe serving cart will surely leave him charmed.

Under $25:
 Nephews, cousins, can't always go all out for everyone, but you still want to show your appreciation and love. What to do? Check out these nifty finds for the savvy shopper:

For the organized foodie: Organize everywhere you've eaten, where to go again, and rating systems.
Knock Knock Takeout Menu OrganizerKnock Knock Takeout Menu Organizer
For the handy man in your life: A lovely Opinel knife, known for over a century for excellence in craft and make.
 Opinel No 6 Carbon Steel Folding knife

For the coffee-lover: This coffee cup warmer will prevent your friend from having to rop up every 30 minutes, or use the dreaded office
 Mr. Coffee MWBLK Mug Warmer

Don't leave your holiday event planning to the last minute! We're Long Island's premier event planning firm and we never disappoint. Check out our portfolio here, contact us here, and facebook us here.

TYPOGRAPHY FURNITURE - tables and stools

It started with a simple stool for the Christmas show and grew from there.

When I finished this typography stool and moved it into the same room
with the rest of the painted furniture I saw the possibilities.

This great little side table and the matching coffee table
came from MRS. Perkins, one of George's many beloved customers.
The were both falling apart and she just didn't want to deal with them any more.

Now you need to know that Mrs. Perkins is a Scottish fire ball whom I've met on many occasions.
She even hired me to do some repairs in her apartment.
She is such a kind and fun lady so I needed to do these pieces just right. 

They have both been delivered to South Surrey for the coming sale.

Tomorrow I'll explain more about this photo and the repurposed materials,
which will also be available at the

located at
12958 19th ave in South Surrey

Dec 2nd - 3rd - 4th
Friday 10am - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 6pm

Sharing at:

Monday, November 28, 2011

Craft fair madness

Guess what this display is? It's practice for my first craft fair ever! This Thursday and Friday (10 am - 4 pm) I will be selling my little creatures at a little craft fair at my husband's school campus in San Francisco.
I only decided to participate less than a week ago, so I've been crazy busy trying to get everything ready for the fair. I've ordered a vinyl logo banner online (it's not here yet and I'm anxious to see how it turned out), and I've been making a bunch of tiny owls (to have some cheap creatures to sell), I've been collecting baskets and Christmas trees to display my products in and on, and I've been working on packaging. So far, I'm pretty happy with the result!
I've also made a little money pouch to carry comfortably around my waist, and now I'm off to attach hundreds of price tags to my creatures. 
I only have a few more days left to prepare! I'm trying not to get too frazzled and to just enjoy the process. I'm really excited, but I think I can manage to keep it together! If you're in San Francisco on December 1st or 2nd and want to come and say hi, eat a yummy candy cane, or browse my little real-life shop, let me know and I'll email you the address.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ivy for 2 Column Minima

<style type="text/css">
body {background-image: url(""); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }
<div id="tag" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:30px; z-index:50; width:150px; height:45px;">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src=""/>

Ivy for 3 Column Minima

<style type="text/css">
body {background-image: url(""); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }
<div id="tag" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:30px; z-index:50; width:150px; height:45px;">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src=""/>

post signature

What happened when her new book, Good Night, World, landed on Carolyn Fisher's doorstep.

My Book Is Here! from Carolyn Fisher on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Save the Postmen (and Women)

illustration by Tibor Gergely

HERE'S YOUR SIGN - christmas show signs

For those of you looking for a Jeff Foxworthy stand up routine of the same name,
you will be disappointed.

However I hope some of these signs will make up for that.

 I do best to make each of them an original.

Each time I find another great piece of wood I have stashed somewhere
I then go looking through my files for the perfect graphic for it.

Our Welcome Sign ...
This great rough cut board works perfectly with the outdoor feel
of this graphic embellished with pine cones.

All the wood I use for my signs come from vintage furniture
including dressers, chairs, tables, stools, desks, mirrors, and more.
This is a perfect way to recycle.

My sis got the Self Serve Laundry Sign for Christmas,
and the Boulangerie sign hangs in our kitchen.

The large Grocery sign hangs over a close friends kitchen window.
Sharing with:
Miss Mustard Seed's Creative Blog

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hampton's Wall Sconce

Just in!
I have a limited number of these beautiful Antique Silver 'Hampton's Wall Sconces'.
Be still my heart.

They measure 44cm in height and 25cm in depth.

$229 inc GST, not including delivery.

Email me:


Sarah's Kitchen

Look at 'Sarah's beautiful kitchen! Didn't she do a wonderful job!
They're my Hampton's lights.

Thanks for the photo Sarah. Warms my heart.