The autumn skies of Rome at dusk belong to the starlings.
God has enough of the GAY voice of Benedict XVI. God no longer want to hear the “holy” hypocrisy of the Opus Dei in their WORLD DOMINATION Agenda. So God sends 500,000 starlings which represent the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army whose blood are crying out to Heaven for vengeance. These starlings voice drowns out the GAY voice of Benedict XVI who lives with his handsome GAY private secretary Msgr. Georg – see our blog for his photos
500,000 starlings warn Benedict XVI his days are numbered and the Vatican's hours are ticking.
The Vatican was predicted in the Third Secret of Fatima to sink into a black hole and not one of its pillars will remain standing – like the Temple of Solomon.
So those 5 BILLION Euros annual deposit of the Bank of the Pope will all disappear like smoke because God ahs no use for the wealth of the Opus Dei on this planet because they covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for over 26 years...and worshipped on the pedophilia-altar at the Vatican.
========= VIDEO
The Sky-High Mob Over Rome
Starlings Have Been Arriving in Rome Since the 1920s, With Current Estimates at 500,000
ROME, Nov. 17, 2008
The autumn skies of Rome at dusk belong to the starlings. Lifting off from their plane tree roosts...
The autumn skies of Rome at dusk belong to the starlings. Lifting off from their plane tree roosts along the Tiber river, it is a slow gathering. A small flock flies about and is joined by another small flock. Yet another joins them, and then another and they are a sky-high mob.
Seen from a roof terrace in central Rome, they resemble circus acrobats warming up for their finale with somersaults and arching pirouettes. They are their own amusement park ride, dipping and soaring with switchbacks and loop de loops.
Hundreds and then gusts of thousands glide over the domes and antennaed rooftops. Sometimes, when the birds fly low enough, you can hear the whoosh and a faint murmuring as they pass overhead. They seem to be heading for a certain somewhere until they veer off in another direction entirely.
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