Monday, February 23, 2009

John Paul II Pedophile Priest in San Antonio

Clergy sex abuse victims expose sexual predator

Religious order admits ‘credible allegation’ in writing

Until recently, priest taught at local Catholic university

His supervisors quietly transferred him overseas last year

Cleric has never been publicly accused before as a predator

Now he's still being paid, living and working at church facilities in Rome

At a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will make public copies of a previously secret, two-page letter signed by a high-ranking Catholic official. The letter admits that a never-before-‘outed’ predator priest (who recently worked in San Antonio) is “credibly accused” of molesting a teenager.

The victims will also
--- urge anyone who suffered, saw or suspected his abuse or misdeeds to call police, and
--- prod university and church officials to use every resource at their disposal to reach out to anyone who saw, suspected or suffered his crimes and/or misdeeds

Today, Monday, Feb. 16, 1:30 p.m.

Outside St. Mary's University, 1 Camino Santa Maria St (corner of Cincinnati Ave), San Antonio

Several men and women who were victimized by clergy and belong to a support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (

The group will have 3 color photos of the predators and copies of the two-page church letter admitting that the allegations are ‘credible.’

Fr. Charles H. Miller, is “credibly accused” of “sexual misconduct” against a teenager in San Antonio in 1980. Miller has never been publicly exposed as a molester before.

That's according to a previously-secret, two-page letter signed in 2007 by the #2 US official in the Marianists, the religious order to which Miller belongs. The letter says Miller will “be removed from any public ministry, resign from any position at St. Mary’s, and may not publicly administer the sacraments.” It also recommends that Miller get a diagnostic mental health evaluation.

The victim first approached the Marianists in 2005. However, the organization essentially took no action against the predator for almost two years. He resigned his university positions in 2007.

Despite repeated pleas from Miller's victim, neither church nor college officials have publicly announced that the accusations against Miller are 'credible,' nor have they made a concerted effort to find and help any others who Miller may have hurt.

After the allegation was deemed 'credible,' Miller was transferred to Rome. He remains a priest on the payroll and is believed to be living at a church facility in Italy.

From 1979-2000, Miller taught theology at St. Mary's and was the dean of the humanities department. In 2000, he worked in Rome at the Catholic Near East Welfare Association. In 2001, Miller worked in Jerusalem at the Ratisbonne Pontifical Institute Christian Center. From 2003-2007, he was back at St. Mary's teaching again. Throughout his career, Miller has led tours to Rome and the Holy Land.

During the 1970s, Miller worked at St. Louis University in St. Louis, MO.

SNAP strongly suspects there are others who saw, suspected or suffered similar abuse and exploitation by Miller either as teens or as vulnerable adults. The group is urging victims and witnesses to come forward, get help, call police, and contact independent sources of support.

Barbara Garcia-Boehland of San Antonio, San Antonio SNAP Director (210) 725 8329
David Clohessy of St. Louis, SNAP National Director (314) 566 9790 cell
Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, SNAP Outreach Coordinator (314) 862 7688

Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

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