This John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army weblog, the Benedict XVI-Ratzinger God's Rottweiler and the John Paul II Millstone web/blogs were inspired by a vision of St. Michael the Archangel in July 2002 when the late John Paul II came to America for his last WYD World Youth Day and St. Michael was tying the biggest millstone around John Paul II's neck for refusing to stop his John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army that thrived under his 26 years papacy.
It is now 2009 and after 7 years and the Catholic Church in the USA has paid more than 2 billion dollars to vicitms, Ireland is now erupting with its own share of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army the "great" John Paul II left behind -- through the great cover-up by Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei who controlled his 26 years papacy!
Our mission is to be in solidarity with the victims of the 26 years papacy of John Paul II -- by showing to America and the world why John Paul II must never be called a "saint" in American lips, in American soil and in every nation where his army, the JPIIPPA John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army reigned in secrecy and cover-up under his Holy See......
Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America
Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 5,478 priests - John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Opus Dei - the Vatican trinity
There are now new victims being unraveled in Ireland. There are hundreds of thousands of victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the poor countries of Latin America unaccounted for.
Out of Left Field: Another deposition, more betrayal
(POSTED: 8/31/09) I have just finished reading Bishop Ray Goedert's deposition, and I am very, very sad -- and very confused.
Where is the Catholic outrage? Where is the call from the faithful for a public act of penance by this bishop, this former vicar for priests, who knew that at least 25 priests had sexually molested children and did not, even once, report any of these substantiated allegations to appropriate civil authorities?
Goedert's rationale? Yes, our bishop admitted, he was aware that molestation of children was a crime, but he wasn't a "mandated reporter" at that time. Nor did Goedert tell the truth to parishioners when these priests were either reassigned, forced to resign or granted a sabbatical. He either never understood (or never cared) that parents and other victims who had not yet come forward had a right to know the truth, so that they could either deal with their own suppressed abuse issues or, as parents, verify that their own children had not also been harmed.
Where is the outrage?
Over and over victims and their families pleaded that the Church make sure these priests could not hurt any more children, sometimes offering to forgo a monetary settlement to ensure the future protection of children from these men. Over and over, while giving lip service to these requests, the Archdiocese of Chicago blatantly ignored their pleas, and refused to commit themselves in writing. Now we also know that information and correspondence regarding allegations of priest sexual abuse of minors was not made part of priests' personnel files, but kept in separate files controlled by the vicar of priests. The monitoring of these sexual offenders was casual to say the least. Sometimes the vicar of priests was himself the monitor; often it was the bishop of the vicariate to which the priest was assigned, or the bishop's designate. (Bishop Goedert is pretty vague about all of this. I guess it wasn't of much importance to him.) There was no defined protocol. There was no oversight or review. Only the "monitor," whoever that might be, knew of the allegations. Certainly, the parish school personnel did not. Where was any real concern for parishioners and their children?
So, where is the outrage?
But, all that has changed, hasn't it -- with the U.S. bishops' 2002 "Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People"? Article 4 of this original charter states:
"Dioceses/eparchies will report an allegation of sexual abuse of a person who is a minor to the public authorities. They will cooperate in their investigation in accord with the law of the jurisdiction in question. . . . In every instance, dioceses/eparchies will advise victims of their right to make a report to public authorities and will support this right."
And, Article 7 of the original 2002 charter states that: "Each diocese/eparchy will develop a communications policy that reflects a commitment to transparency and openness. Within the confines of respect for the privacy and the reputation of the individuals involved, dioceses/eparchies will deal as openly as possible with members of the community. This is especially so with regard to assisting and supporting parish communities directly affected by ministerial misconduct involving minors."
So, the distressing behaviors and attitudes reflected in Bishop Goedert's deposition, mostly covering offenses and procedures during the '70s and '80s, are no longer the norm.
Since the Charter of 2002 (revised by the bishops in 2005), allegations are reported, transparency is in place so that the Catholic faithful are informed in a truthful and timely manner, and, most importantly, children are protected.
Certainly that must be the case right here in Chicago, where our cardinal is the current president of the U.S. Bishops Conference. Certainly, this diocese must be a model of faithfulness to the bishops' charter.
Not quite. . . .
Remember the tragic stories of Frs. Dan McCormack and Joseph Bennett?
With accusations going back to his seminary days, Dan McCormack, known as a "rising star" in the archdiocese, was finally arrested in August of 2005, and released while an investigation was underway. But the cardinal, against the advice of an archdiocesan review board, chose to leave Fr. McCormack in his parish and promote him to dean, until after his arrest in January 2006. During this time, Fr. McCormack continued to molest at least one boy! Oh yes, an archdiocesan official explained, "he was being monitored. . . ."
Fr. Bennett? In 2002, the archdiocese received information about alleged abuse from the 1970s. Again, in 2003, allegations of abuse and rape were made known to the cardinal, and finally, the review board recommended removal in October 2005. Was Fr. Bennett removed from ministry then? No . . . not until the McCormack story broke. Then, in February 2006, and after more allegations were received, Bennett was finally removed from ministry. Oh yes, Fr. Bennett, too, was "being monitored . . ." from 2005, anyway.
In their charter, the bishops piously repeat these words of the Holy Father in his address to the American cardinals: "There is no place in the priesthood or religious life for those who would harm the young."
Obviously, despite the grave scandal to the Church, despite the huge monetary settlements, despite the harm inflicted on innocent children, despite the betrayal of the people he is vowed to shepherd, Cardinal George has flouted his own charter, overridden the advice of his own review board, and has not taken the words of the pope very seriously.
But then, again, where, oh where is our communal Catholic outrage?
By Margaret Field. A Chicago-area Catholic who is involved in Vatican II reform and renewal efforts, she writes a regular column for ChicagoCatholicNews.
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David learns to use his sling
By Nicole Sotelo
Created Sep 03, 2009
A simple sling, used skillfully in biblical times, was known to take down a giant. Two weeks ago, a 39-year old modern-day David used a microphone at a news conference, instead of a sling, and helped to bring down a colossal silence about sexual abuse that had stood over him for 25 years.
Because of Mark McAllister’s courage to speak out, the story of Fr. Carmine Sita, aka Fr. Gerald Howard, was heard by thousands. Sita was convicted of abuse in New Jersey, legally changed his name, and was quietly sent to an unsuspecting Missouri parish where he molested again. Within two weeks of McAllister’s disclosure, the telephone began ringing at SNAP, the Survivor’s Network of those Abused by Priests. One by one, voices on the phone -- each one courageous, all tragically linked in a web of victimization -- declared that they, too, had been abused by the same priest.
By the end of last week, seven more survivors had joined Mark in breaking the silence. It appears that the abusive priest has lived freely for more than two decades, potentially putting other children at risk. Now that the silence has been broken, there is pressure on the diocese and the courts to ensure the priest will not harm others. Speaking truth saves lives.
As a child, my parish suffered two pedophile priests within a twelve-year period. Mothers spoke in hushed tones in the church parking lot after school. Priests in the pulpit spoke about God’s love but remained silent about rapes by clergy.
Silence and whispers have been the rule in Catholic culture when it comes to sexual abuse, but this culture allows criminals to walk freely and forces survivors to remain in fear. I confess I have been culpable of the sin of silence.
It’s not easy to talk about or take action to heal the wounds of sexual abuse. It is not something easily broached over donuts after church. Proclaiming the truth from the housetops, as the biblical exhortation goes, has come slowly to Catholics. But that is changing.
Survivors and laity are learning to speak up and doing so beyond just housetops.
In the diocese of Baker, Ore., a group of laity recently succeeded in getting an op-ed placed in their local paper. The editorial rang the alarm that the bishop continues to refuse to implement an abuse-prevention program, promised seven years ago in the bishops’ own Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.
Concerned Catholics in the Lincoln, Neb., diocese have used news conferences and newspapers to warn parents to protect their children because the bishop has ignored the U.S. bishops’ own mandate for diocesan-wide background checks and abuse-prevention programs.
Catholics and non-Catholics alike are coming together from across New York state to push legislation that would allow sexual predators, and those who shield predators, to be brought to justice ( [1]).
Catholics across the country are slowly learning that the Goliath culture of silence in Catholicism that threatens the lives of children and our entire faith community must be brought down. We are learning how to shatter the culture of silence; learning to proclaim in the light what we have known for decades in the dark.
I can only hope that we can all be as brave as the survivor Mark McAllister in speaking the truth -- about our own abuse or helping to stop the abuse of others. What we have heard in whispers, what we fear to say, must be proclaimed from the housetops … and in news conferences, blogs, vigils and courtrooms.
The heroes of our time are the Mark McAllisters among us and those who stand in solidarity with him and other survivors. The modern David is the one who slays the culture of silence that threatens our children using the sling of modernity: our voice.
If you know of abuse taking place or are a survivor, contact SNAP at 1.877.762.7432 or [2].
Nicole Sotelo is the author of Women Healing from Abuse: Meditations for Finding Peace, published by Paulist Press, and coordinates [3]. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, she currently works at Call To Action.
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