Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pop Ups engineered by DARIO CESTARO

Character by Christian Montenegro, paper construction by Dario Cestaro for DJECO


Character by Magali Attiogbé, paper construction by Dario Cestaro for DJECO

Thanks to Illustration Mundo

LIKE GUTTING A FISH - midcentury turntable radio cabinet

The excitement I felt when I saw the potential
in this discarded mid-century
turn table / radio cabinet was challenged
when it came time to tackle the insides.

Knuckles were bruised and patience ran thin
but in the end everyone who was at the
finish line final saw what I had original
been so enamored by in the first place.
The perfect entry piece for our home.

Shared this with:

Boogieboard Cottage

NIGHT TABLES PROJECT - from vintage vanity to bedside tables

It started the first time I saw this
vanity hidden deep in a antique store I haunt.
Finally after my 3rd visit it was loaded
into my truck and on its way to a new life.

I'm sure once upon a time it was accompanied
by a mirror and was used day in and day
out by a nice lady long in the past, but little
evidence of this was left.

This elegant pair of tables born of this project

Monday, November 29, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

"After years of finding children’s books tucked away in authors’ bibliographies (Graham Greene wrote children’s books!), followed by quick disappointment (how can they be out of print?), I realized that I was having this same frustrating revelation over and over. And when I would bring these discoveries up with my friends, they would have the same reaction (John Updike wrote children’s books! How can they be out of print?) The goal of this blog is to make more widely known these much-coveted literary rarities (and perhaps stir up enough interest to bring them back into print)."

Thursday, November 25, 2010



Diary of a Wimpy Kid at Macy's Balloonfest 2010 - 24
More photos here.

Sammy the Dog

Rebecca (blog: http://www.thetangledwoods.com/) made this Sammy the Dog. I designed him to accompany the Cheshire Cat . The pattern does not sell as well as the cat but he is very cute. Some dolls look better in real and this is one of them. He is so cute! Rebecca used safety eyes as it's a baby present. The Sammy the Dog pattern is sold on Etsy and Dawanda.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"When I was asked to review this book, I must admit to a slight feeling of dread. "

Anthony Browne reviews Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters

Illustrations by Loren Long

Una jornada con Proxecto Terra

El 27 de noviembre se celebró la jornada de trabajo del Proxecto Terra para preparar el contenido para niños de 3 a 6 años. Nos invitaron a participar. Pilar Cós se centró en "casa-trayecto-escuela" y Jorge Raedó explicó nuestra trayectoria, centrándose en los talleres con niños de 3-6 años. Asistieron el director de Proxecto Terra, Xose Manuel Rosales, el coordinador José Luis Doneto, el equipo de maestr@s de educación infantil y el profesor de Didáctica de la Universidad de Coruña, Héctor Pose. http://proxectoterra.coag.es/

O Colexio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia (COAG) logrou, co "PROXECTOTERRA", oPREMIO NACIONAL DE URBANISMO que concede a Secretaría de Estado de Vivenda e Actuacións Urbanas do Ministerio de Fomento, informou a entidade nun comunicado.

Material para la conferencia:
Vídeo X Bienal Española_Bienal de los niños: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssL8n6qBcuM

Andrea's Craft Exhibition

Here a few photos of a craft exhibition by Andrea in Germany this weekend. More photos are on Akinna Stisu's blog. The little girl on top is from my "Little Angels Mobile" pattern.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Louana the Second

My sweet mother is in the hospital now awaiting surgery on a tumor in her spinal cord. It really sucks that I’m so far away and can’t really be there for her. She has already forbidden me to use my frequent flier miles to come home... Several times. She wants me to save them for her 50th birthday in two years, which she deems a much better occasion to come home for. 

So I needed to think of another way to be there for her in this terrible time, so I’ve created a mini-me:

She’s actually much prettier and cuter than me and the only things we really have in common are our long brown hair and the mole next to our noses. I’m a little jealous of her and she gets to travel really cheaply, her plane ride to the Netherlands was less than $10!

Yasu really likes her too, so it’s a good thing I sent her to my mom, so that Yasu doesn’t have to divide his attention between us.

My mother opened her package with mini Louana in it today, in her hospital room in front of the Skype camera (hospitals these days are pretty modern). And she loved the doll - it took her a while to recognize who she was, but the mole did the trick - and she even cried when she read the purple note hiding in the doll’s tummy pocket!

My mom has never been the over-emotional type, but ever since she’s been in the hospital and on lots of morphine she has no problem sharing her feelings with us. She’s become quite sentimental. It’s a bit funny but I like it. And now my mom has a way to hug me whenever she wants.

Translation of the purple note: “My name is Louana the Second, and I love my sweet mom very, very much. Unfortunately, my mom is in the hospital right now and not doing well physically, so she needs many hugs from her daughter (Louana the First). But Louana the First lives quite far away, but don’t worry, there is a connection between us, kind of like an invisible USB cable, or WiFi, or even better LouFi! So when you hug me really hard, the hug will travel through LouFi and be received by Louana the First just moments later! Oh, kisses will travel through LouFi as well!”

YOU can win $500 worth of books from

Chronicle Books. More importantly - *I* can win $500 worth of books from Chronicle!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Addams Family: an Evilution

Watch the full episode. See more Thirteen Forum.

Black Damask for 2 column Minima

You can find the matching header here.

<style type="text/css">
body {background-image: url("http://lh5.ggpht.com/_YepnTrx-v5c/TOLCrL5mcFI/AAAAAAAAFAQ/-4Li323vaSE/s1600/0x%20black%202.jpg"); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }
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post signature

Black Damask for 3 column Minima

You can find the matching header here.

This is code for 3 column Minima:
<style type="text/css">
body {background-image: url("http://lh3.ggpht.com/_YepnTrx-v5c/TOLCraQr_YI/AAAAAAAAFAU/nF3Q6SJMQZU/s1600/0x%20black%203.jpg"); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }
<div id="tag" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:30px; z-index:50; width:150px; height:45px;">
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post signature

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Workshop "The house of your dreams"_IED Kids / Casadecor

Kids and parents created together "The house of your (their) dreams". With Istituto Europeo di Design_Barcelona at Casa Decor_Barcelona. 13, 20, 27 November + 4 December 2010.

Photos by Jorge Raedó