Thursday, March 11, 2010

Like a hidden earthquake fault, John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army shocks Germany and erupts in the Netherlands, Austria and Australia

By the time Benedict XVI elevates John Paul II as “Blessed”, the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army will have erupted in most Catholic countries in the world. It is ironic that the more Benedict XVI tries to prove that John Paul II is a “saint”, the more his hidden John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army erupts in Biblical proportions see Biggest Vatican stories of the decade: John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions

It is quite a coincidence that the deadly earthquake in Haiti, Chile, Turkey and parts of the Pacific coincides with all the eruptions of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, and Australia. Benedict XVI thought that the 2 days summit with the Irish Bishops was the end of sexual abuse news. But his own native Germany erupted with pedophile priests’ news right after the summit in Rome. Worse, his own brother, Georg Ratzinger, is now also implicated in the cover-up of sexual abuse of the famous Regensburg boys' choir in Bavaria which he led for over 30 years see Georg Ratzinger, Benedict XVI’s brother, was head for 30 years of famous Regensburg boys' choir school that now erupts with priest pedophilia

John Paul II was the most travelled pope and the most knowledgeable pope with all the books, encyclicals and thousands of speeches he has written. He appointed the most number of Bishops and Cardinals who had annual Ad Lima visits to report to him the current state of their dioceses and the pedophile priests they were covering-up. Our own criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston and Los Angeles’ Cardinal Mahony are the best examples of Cardinals in the USA who covered-up hundreds of pedophile priests and transferred them from one parish to another.

Now that the stamp of pedophile priests is etched on Benedict XVI’s name, his own blood brother, Georg Ratzinger, a priest, who was director of the famous German choir, Regensburg boys' choir in Bavaria may also be linked in new sexual abuse allegations that erupted this March 5, 2010. See new articles below from our sister weblog Benedict XVI-Ratzinger God's Rottweiler

Before reading the news below, please go and read first the new posts in our sister weblogs John Paul II Millstone and Benedict XVI-Ratzinger, God’s Rottweiler -- because they analyze and show the roles of John Paul II and Benedict XVI in the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, the most heinous crime against Catholic children in the 20th Century. Benedict XVI shall join John Paul II and the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army of Germany for a nice party of German sausage & saukrat in Hell!

John Paul II Millstone weblog

John Paul II miraculously cures his German barber of hernia in Rome… as the John Paul II Pedophile Priest Army jolts Germany should shut down – it’s operated by the Legion of Christ whose founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel is member of John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Vaticano Spa (Vatican Ltd): John Paul II was the CEO of the trillion dollar Vatican Bank’s murky financial dealings

Cardinal Bernard Law must resign following Irish Clergy Abuse report

New book on John Paul II ‘Why He's a Saint’ is a pack of lies

Biggest Vatican stories of the decade: John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions

Benedict XVI-Ratzinger, God’s Rottweiler weblog

Who’s responsible & to blame: The Devil or Benedict XVI-Cardinal Ratzinger? Satan as scapegoat for Vatican's chaotic sex scandals

Deceit "The Garden of Roses: Stories of Abuse and Healing” sugarcoats Abuse Tracker, it's written by a priest (or team) and Virginia Jones is a facade

Georg Ratzinger, Benedict XVI’s brother, was head for 30 years of famous Regensburg boys' choir school that now erupts with priest pedophilia

Benedict XVI then Cardinal Ratzinger in 2001 wrote "De delictis gravioribus" ("on more serious crimes") to all Bishops to cover-up pedophile priests

Beware! Benedict XVI-Cardinal Ratzinger and his allies can be violent

St. Josemaria Escriva, John Paul II & Benedict XVI: the new Vatican Trinity

Catholics can emulate Jews [who hunted down Nazi officers] by hunting down pedophile priests’ officers Benedict XVI & Bishops into the World Court

What do we Catholics got to lose if Benedict XVI was brought to World Court for his crimes as the Hitler-Pope of pedophile priests?

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America

Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - John Paul II,
Benedict XVI & Opus Dei (Vatican Trinity)


Vatican Faces Widening Sex Abuse Scandals
AOL News
Dana Kennedy

(March 9) -- Sexual abuse scandals mired the Catholic Church on Tuesday as inquiries in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands intensified and the Vatican digested allegations that the Mexican founder of one of the church's most favored sects sexually molested his illegitimate sons.

The new revelations come less than a month after Irish bishops were summoned to the Vatican to discuss decades of clerical sexual abuse in Ireland.
A delegation of German bishops is scheduled to meet with Pope Benedict XVI on Friday about the growing crisis in Germany, where more than 170 students have claimed they were sexually abused at several Catholic high schools.

Posted by Abuse Tracker at 7:12 PM

Catholic church abuse claims rise to 200

Dutch News
Monday 08 March 2010
Some 200 people have now registered sexual abuse at the hands of Catholic church officials with the church organisation set up to help victims, the Telegraaf reports on Monday.

Jan Waaijer, spokesman for the Hulp en Recht organisation said he was shocked by the flood of claims since the end of February, when newspapers reported claims of abuse at a boarding school in 's-Heerenberg in the 1960s and 1970s.
'Let it all come out now. A church which is mature and open to self-criticism can deal with this,' he told the paper.
Posted by Abuse Tracker at 7:28 AM March 6, 2010

German minister critical of Vatican rule on abuse

The Associated Press
March 9, 2010

BERLIN — Germany's justice minister said Monday that a Vatican secrecy rule has played a role in a "wall of silence" surrounding sexual abuse of children.
The Vatican says it wouldn't comment on the criticism from Germany, the homeland of Pope Benedict XVI. Later Monday, Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the German church's effort to respond to a spate of abuse allegations.

Germany says church covered up abuse
The Irish Times
March 8, 2010

BERLIN — Germany's justice minister said Monday that a Vatican secrecy rule has played a role in a "wall of silence" surrounding sexual abuse of children.
The Vatican says it wouldn't comment on the criticism from Germany, the homeland of Pope Benedict XVI. Later Monday, Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the German church's effort to respond to a spate of abuse allegations.

Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger cited a 2001 Vatican directive requiring even the most serious abuse cases to be first investigated internally.
Scandals over sexual abuse by Catholic clergy of minors and cover-ups by church hierarchy have exploded worldwide in the last two decades, including in recent weeks in Germany and the Netherlands.

Benedict has a meeting scheduled this week with the head of Germany's bishops conference.

Recent events in Germany have shown "that there was a wall of silence here in many schools and facilities" that prevented information on abuse and violence getting through to judicial authorities, Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger told Deutschlandfunk radio.

In the case of abuse at Catholic schools, one factor is the 2001 directive from the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith "that even such serious abuse cases are first subject to papal confidentiality and are not supposed to be divulged outside the church," the minister said.

That directive was promulgated by the late John Paul II, whose papacy was overshadowed by allegations Vatican officials failed to confront the abuse aggressively.

In the Netherlands, Rotterdam Bishop Ad van Luyn has apologized to victims and called for an independent investigation into the sexual abuse of children by priests after 200 alleged victims contacted help services last week. What started as allegations of repeated incidents within a single cloister last month has quickly spread.

Vatican secrecy ‘let German school abusers go unpunished’
The Times (United Kingdom)
March 9, 2010
Allan Hall, Berlin

Germany has blamed a “wall of silence” created by the Vatican for hampering investigations into decades of abuse of schoolchildren by Catholic clergy.
Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, the Justice Minister, said that Vatican secrecy rules, including a 2001 directive requiring even the most serious cases to be investigated first by Church officials, were complicating efforts to shed light on claims of abuse at some of Germany’s most highly regarded schools.

Many of the alleged cases fall outside the 20-year statute of limitations, so abusers are protected from prosecution. Annette Schavan, the Education Minister, said that the limit on sex crimes involving children must be re-examined.

A string of sex-abuse claims have emerged since seven former pupils of the Canisius-Kolleg preparatory school in Berlin came forward in January claiming to have been abused.

Allegations were then made by former pupils at other schools including Aloisiuskolleg in Bonn, St Blasien, another Jesuit-run boarding school in the Black Forest, and Catholic schools in Hamburg, Göttingen and Hildesheim. Allegations about child molestation by Benedictine priests were made at the Ettal Monastery and St Ottilien boarding schools in Bavaria.

Reports emerged yesterday that up to 100 pupils at the non-Catholic Odenwald-schule, a private boarding school in Hesse, were regularly sexually abused.

On Friday came the news that the brother of Pope Benedict XVI may have to give evidence because the famous church choir he once led — the Domspatzen, or Cathedral Sparrows, of Regensburg — was being investigated over sexual abuse allegations.
“I never knew anything,” Bishop Georg Ratzinger, 86, told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica. “The incidents that are being talked about go back 50 or 60 years to the 1950s. It was another generation than when I was there.” He says that he spoke about the scandals on a trip to see his brother in Rome.

The composer Franz Wittenbrink, an ex-pupil of the boarding school attached to the Domspatzen choir, told Der Spiegel magazine that he “could not understand” how Bishop Ratzinger, master of the chapel from 1964, could not have been aware.

Pope hit by choir secret

Mirror (United Kingdom)
Pope Benedict XVI's brother yesterday admitted he had hit choir boys involved in the German catholic church abuse scandal.
Retired priest Father Georg Ratzinger, 87, was head of the male choir at the centre of the claims in the early 60s.

Posted by Abuse Tracker at 7:25 AM

Child abuse claims hit Catholic institutions in Germany
From Frederik Pleitgen, CNN
March 10, 2010
SCHARBEUTZ, Germany (CNN) -- Norbert Denef says for years he couldn't speak about the crimes committed against him during his childhood in Germany.
He grew up, got married and became a father, but never managed to tell his family what was lingering inside him and about the pain that was eating him up. He became depressed, thought about killing himself -- and then realized he had to speak or die.
One morning he stood in front of his mirror and wanted to say it. He remembers uttering a simple, "I ... I ... I ..." But he says his lips were shivering so hard he couldn't go on. He stood there for several minutes, crying, until his tortured past burst forth:
"I was sexually abused!"

Posted in Abuse Tracker at 7:23 AM

Pope's brother's former school is linked to sex abuse
Deutsche Welle
Cases of abuse in the 1950s and 60s have been brought to light at the religious music school that teaches the famous Regensburg boys' choir in Bavaria. But the diocese in charge of the school says details are sketchy.
A former member of the boys' choir of the Regensburger Domspatzen school in the state of Bavaria claims he was abused at the school that runs the choir in the 1960s. The school was headed by the pope's brother Georg Ratzinger from 1964 to 1994.
The diocese in charge of the Roman Catholic Regensburger Domspatzen School told reporters on Friday their research showed that two chaplains were convicted for sexual abuse committed between the late 1950s and the late 1960s, but that there were no new cases.

Catholic child abuse scandal widens

The Local
Feb 28, 2010

The child abuse scandal engulfing the Catholic Church in Germany continues to expand, with accusations that claims of abuse were ignored or hidden for years and the first resignations.
Barnabas Bögle, abbot of the Bavarian Ettal Benedictine monastery, and Maurus Kraß, head of the school and prior there, both resigned this week after admitting that regulations on reporting accusations of abuse had not been followed.
The number of former and current students at Ettal who have made accusations of abuse has risen to 20. It has also been claimed that claims were made in 2003, during a class reunion, but that nothing was done.

Missbrauchsskandal in Ettal weitet sich aus

Der Spiegel
Feb 26, 2010
Der Missbrauchsskandal im Benediktinerkloster Ettal weitet sich aus: Inzwischen haben sich rund 20 mutmaßliche Opfer gemeldet, die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt in zwei Fällen aus dem Jahr 2005. Der stellvertretende Abt und Schulleiter des Internats ist zurückgetreten.

The abuse scandal at the Benedictine monastery Ettal is expanding. Some 20 alleged victims are now reported. The public prosecutor has determined two of the cases were in 2005. The deputy abbot and head teacher of the boarding school has resigned. Two ombudsmen appointed by the church spoke Friday of the Ettal situation at a press conference in Munich.
Allegations have been made against four priests, one of who is dead, said ombudsman Siegfried Kneissl. Former students have also reported physical violence and severe beatings.

The prosecutor has identified two cases of sexual abuse dating back to 2005 involving two students. Lawyer Burkard Goepfer, who was appointed Tuesday along with Kneissl as ombudsman, said the abuse was severe and not just about stroking under his T-shirt.

March 2, 2010
Staatsanwaltschaft im Kloster Ettal
Frankfurter Allgemeine
02. März 2010 Im Skandal um sexuellen Missbrauch in der katholischen Kirche hat es eine Durchsuchung in einem Kloster gegeben. Am Dienstag durchsuchte die Münchner Staatsanwaltschaft das oberbayerische Kloster Ettal, wie die Deutsche Presse-Agentur erfuhr. Dort sollen Schüler von Geistlichen sexuell missbraucht worden sein. „Seit Nachmittag laufen Ermittlungen vor Ort in Anwesenheit der Staatsanwaltschaft“, bestätigte eine Sprecherin der Staatsanwaltschaft München II. Ob es überhaupt schon einmal eine Razzia in einem Kloster gegeben habe, konnte ein Sprecher der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz auf Nachfrage nicht beantworten.

Police on Tuesday searched the Upper Bavarian monastery of Ettal. A spokesman for the Munich Prosecutor confirmed the search was in progress. The spokesman would not respond when asked if the monastery had been raided before.

The search is related to allegations made by about 20 people who say they were beaten or abused by monks when they were students there. A now-deceased priest, who taught there until 2004 despite allegations made against him, is alleged to have abused students during the 1970s and 1980s.

Also, three monks from the Wechselburg monastery in Saxony have been suspended after allegations were made against them at the Benedictine monastery

The Archdiocese of Munich-Freising confirmed on Tuesday they have learned of one abuse case that happened in a Munich parish between 2002 and 2003. The accused is a foreign religious cleric and the victim is a 13-year-old girl. He was transferred to a parish in Furstenfeldbruck despite a church ban on him being near young people. It is alleged that he assault two girls there. The priest has returned to his homeland.
An association for former children in care say many more children and young people were abused in Catholic institutions than was previously thought. About 70 percent of the 450 members were abused, according to chairman Monika Tschapek-Guntner. About 80 percent of these people had grown up in Catholic care homes.

Auch Missbrauchsfälle in Studienseminar der bayerischen Kapuziner

MÜNCHEN - Der Sex-Skandal erfasst immer mehr Klöster. Ein Kapuzinerpater des Studienseminars in Burghausen (Kreis Altötting) hat über Jahre seine Schüler sexuell missbraucht. Der Mönch wurde klammheimlich als Pfarrer nach München versetzt, der Fall vertuscht.

The sex scandal is moving to more and more monasteries. A Capuchin priest of Studienseminar in Burghausen in the Altoetting district has been accused of sexually abusing students over a period of years. He was quietly moved to Munich and the case was glossed over.

Father M. led a study seminar for the Capuchins in Burghauses on the Salzach. The abuse is alleged to have happened in 1984 and 1985. The students told their parents of the attacks, according to Father Jospeh Mitermaier, and the priest was replaced. The public was not informed about the sexual abuse. Father M. went to Munich in 1985 and he is no longer working with children or adolescents. He was ordered to go into therapy. Now 68, he was never brought to justice. Investigation was initiated in 1991 but the cases were time-barred.

The Capuchins broke the silence on Thursday. They said in a statement that they asked for forgiveness for all the things done to the victims. Father M. was until March 2009 in Wallfahrsseelsorger in Wurzburg. He then took a break that expires in April. They will then decide how to proceed with Father M. Posted in Abuse Tracker, March 5, 2010 at 12:50 PM

John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army erupts in the Netherlands

Bishop “shocked” at sexual abuse

Radio Netherlands
March 1, 2010

Bishop of Rotterdam Ad van Luyn has expressed shock at an investigation by Radio Netherlands Worldwide and Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad into child sex abuse by Roman Catholic priests at a boarding school in the eastern town of ‘s-Heerenberg and has called for an investigation.

During the 1960s and 1970s at least three and possibly more pupils were sexually abused at the school attached to the Don Rua monastery of the Salesians of Don Bosco.
Bishop Van Luyn, who now chairs the Netherlands Synod of Bishops, was provincial head of the Salesian order at the time of the abuse, and a teacher at the school. He gave his first response to the scandal in a radio interview at the weekend, having previously declined to comment except to deny any knowledge of the abuse.

Rotterdam bishop orders sex abuse inquiry

Dutch News
Monday 01 March 2010

The bishop of Rotterdam Ad van Luyn has called for an inquiry into the possible sexual abuse of children at a Catholic boarding school in 's-Heerenberg, Gelderland in the 1960s and 1970s.

The inquiry follows claims by the Radio Netherlands and NRC that at least three Salesian priests connected to the Don Rua monastery had abused youngsters in their care.

Van Luyn was head of the Salesians in the Netherlands at the time and a teacher at the school in the 1960s.

John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army erupts in Australia

(Australian) Bishop turns to Pope over abuse scandals

Posted Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:48am AEDT
• Map: Newcastle 2300

The Catholic Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle in New South Wales says a series of child sex abuse scandals have taken a heavy toll, prompting him to ask the Pope for help.
More than 70 boys are believed to have been abused in the Hunter Valley since the 1970s.

Over the past two years, three priests and a clergy member have been charged.
One of them, Father John Sidney Denham, is awaiting sentencing for abusing dozens of boys.

Maitland-Newcastle Bishop Michael Malone says the past 15 years have been very challenging.

"Right from the very first day I took over as Bishop I was faced with the issue of Vince Ryan who had pleaded guilty to several charges and from then on it's been a rather sad litany of people I've had to deal with," he said.

Pope Benedict is currently taking with Irish Bishops in relation to abuse cases there.

Bishop Malone says it is further proof the pontiff is committed to addressing the issue of clergy abuse.

"The Irish church has been rocked by all the allegations and reports about sexual abuse by clergy and we know what that's like sadly and we need to redress this whole issue."

Bishop Malone says if the Pope agrees to his request for a coadjutor bishop it will allow him to work towards his retirement.

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