“We really would like to see our party begin to take the high road and focus on issues that are important to the people, and to see it stay away from these types of controversial, racially baited and mean spirited tactics. There are those who will contribute to the party, not because they hate President Obama, but because they are loyal Republicans. To under estimate that loyalty at some point is going to backfire. Bottom line”, the NRAAC national chair says, “we need to reel in the Michael Steele RNC and take the high road if we want to regain our political footage.”
“This is unfortunate that seemingly under the leadership of Chairman Steele, the GOP continues on a path of self destruction”, says the national chair of the National African American Caucus [NRAAC]. “Until someone with courage stands up and says enough is enough and that this type of low grounds politics is not acceptable with the Republican Party, this will continue and even get worse.”
Dr. Hill who also has taught Political Science at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, says she is aware that fundraising tactics such as this have been used by both parties. However, she has never seen it as viciously and racially motivated as what has been used by the GOP as it relates to President Obama.
“The NRAAC, as a Spirit filled organization of people of faith, cannot condone this type of behavior coming from either party, and certainly not our own. We simply expect more out of the Republican Party.”
The national chair says however, she is not surprised by this, given the Republican Party’s silence on racial inclusion and its unwillingness to embrace those of color.
“The NRAAC’s 2010 mandate is 100,000 strong. We are well on our way to meeting this goal. However, each time something like this happens, and as we are fighting our own battles for GOP inclusion, it makes one wonder if this truly is the party with which we should align.”
She also points to the daily e-mails from the RNC that are filled with Obama bashing and so much negativity.
“If we want to grow the party and make the Republican brand more viable as a political choice, then we need to focus more on our positive offerings and provide alternative solutions; not on this kind of hateful, fear driven and low ground politics.”
She says that the NRAAC has seen this same type of mean spirited and hate filled, paranoiac rhetoric coming out of Tennessee, (which also is the headquarter’s state for the NRAAC) under the leadership of former chair Robin Smith and Chip Saltsman, but now to see it has spread, should serve as a warning to the Republican Party that it is time to remove those from its helm on a local, state and national level who persist in this kind of politically harmful behavior.
“It is one thing to oppose the President on policy, but when we paint him or anyone else in a false or mean spirited light merely to raise funds, be it President Obama or as was done to President G. W. Bush, it is wrong.”
She says that although it was done to President G. W. Bush, what is being done to President Obama appears to be more about race than just policy.
“I recall hearing President Obama being label a socialist, the Anti-Christ, as well as the “N” word, and saying he must be stopped, even before he was elected. This was before the health care debate. So this suggests there is more going on than just policy.”
Adding a little clergy humor she adds, “I certainly hope the President is not the Anti-Christ. If that is true, then all of us who are still here, including those who are calling him the Anti-Christ are in big trouble. Since according to most Christian doctrine, the Anti-Christ does not appear on the scene until after the church is taken up. So for all of our sake, we should hope this is not true, otherwise, that would mean all of us have missed the rapture.”
“What good can we profit from this kind of silliness? It is embarrassing.” She says. “It certainly does nothing to endear us to those who do not condone this type of foolishness. While there are so many Americans who are hurting and need real solutions and strong and sincere leadership from us, is this all we can offer them?”
“We really would like to see our party begin to take the high road and focus on issues that are important to the people, and to see it stay away from these types of controversial, racially baited and mean spirited tactics. There are those who will contribute to the party, not because they hate President Obama, but because they are loyal Republicans. To under estimate that loyalty at some point is going to backfire.”
“Bottom line”, she says, “we need to reel in the Michael Steele RNC and take the high road if we want to regain our political footage.”
[Dr. Jean Howard-Hill is the author of Black Eyes Shut, White Lips Sealed. She has served as the national chair for the National Black Republican Women with her late husband, Attorney Bobby Lee Hill serving as the head of the Black Republican Men for Change from 1987 to his death in 1991. After his death up until 1993, she remained head of the organization, and in 1999 combined the two groups to form the National Republican African American Caucus. Outside of her role as the National Republican African American Caucus [NRAAC] national chair, Howard-Hill is known for her involvement within the African American community and her efforts to correct and enhance verbal, written and presentational skills of African American students, and her “Pull up Your Pants and Dress for Success Campaign” to improve the appearance and fate of African American males. She has created and directed the Many Faces of Diversity at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, which teaches these skills to minority, “at-risk”, and first generation college bound students. She is currently working on the Tennessee Youth Research Study, a research project aimed at identifying causes and providing connectors to reconnect to the youth of this generation. She also has taught full time and as an adjunct, American Government, State and Local Government, and International Politics and Culture of Nonwestern Countries at UTC, and was voted 2006 Outstanding Professor of the year. Additionally, from 1976 to 1979, she designed and directed the “Democracy In Action” Program, which was a civics program taught in the local school systems. Howard-Hill also is a local political commentator and holds a law degree from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville College of Law. She also is ordained clergy and heads The Healing Place Ministries International, overseeing 47 ministries throughout Africa.]
Contact Person:
The Purpose of The National Republican African-American Caucus is to create an organization that is comprised of Spirit filled people of faith within the African American community, that works in conjunction with local, state and national party efforts to embrace, and offer African-American Republicans opportunities for inclusion and involvement in the Republican Party, and builds bridges between the African-American community and the Republican Party. In doing so, we seek to carry out the philosophy and mission set before President Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas to build a stronger and more inclusive Republican Party, where those guiding principles are more important than politics.
“It is time to extend the olive branch, and that night we will do all we can to let the Republican Party know that since we are here to stay, we also want our stay in the Republican Party to be one which is harmonious and seeks to build the party and moves it in more positive directions, that are beneficial to the nations and future generations”, say the National Chair.
More information on the NRAAC can be found at:
http://nraacaucus.ning.com [NRAAC] National Republican African American Caucus Social
Issue Network (members only)
http://nraac.blogspot.com [NRAAC Blog]
http://youthonthehorizons.blogspot.com [NRAAC Youth on the Horizons Blog]
http://the-twig.blogspot.com [NRAAC New Generation—New Direction Blog]
http://theblackolivebranch.blogspot.com [NRAAC National Chair’s Blog]
Each State Caucus can be accessed by state. See related links at http://www.nraacaucus.org/index_files/Page816.htm
Also can be found on the RNC group page at http://our.gop.com/Groups/National_Republican_African-American_Caucus_NRAAC.
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