I bought the old machine on a whim at Target and it being a Singer made me think it would be a decent machine for just $70. But the Singer Quick Fix is a really bad sewing machine. It bunches up the threads, the tension is impossible ending in superloose threads on the bottom and it broke both needles that came with it. I don't want to bore you with more frustrating details, but if you need more convincing on why not to buy this just read these reviews for the Pixie-Plus (which is the same machine just with purple colored knobs instead of green).
So the Singer is useless and my arm is useless... Hence, the new sewing machine. It was about $150 at Walmart and it's not a Singer this time. The new Brother is a computerized sewing machine and so far, while playing with it, it has just amazed me with its abilities. It has 80 built-in sewing stitches and even easily threads the needle for me!
I've promised myself to do no more sewing by hand, so I'm hoping to get a lot of practice time with my machine and come up with some new designs for awkward creatures made on a machine. And I hope creating on the Brother will be just as satisfying as sewing by hand has been for me.