Thursday, September 1, 2011

Top 5 Food Trends 2011

In event planning, we have to know about everything. From the season's hottest color in fashion to the newest inventions in lighting to the food trends, we're on top of it. Since we always focus on catering, we thought we might give a shout out to the food trends happening in homes, food shows, and restaurants.

Fusion FoodChef Jose Andreas was quoted saying " If Mexico hadn't shared it's chiles with China, would we have spicy Chinese food?" His Vegas restaurant China Poblano embodies the fusion flavors that many restaurants are offering. A signature dish? Duck confit tacos. Delish! 

Canning is making a comeback! Canning, pickling and preserving are getting popular again. (Haven't you seen all the mason jars at Williams Sonoma lately?) How else are you supposed to keep that yummy farmer's market produce good for months longer? Plus, the sluggish economy has had it's way with foodies, giving them even better ideas on how to save money and still enjoy awesome delicacies.
Plus, canned goods make great gifts! Tie a little ribbon on it and throw it in a themed basket and you're all set!

Eating local has really swept the nation. Farmer's markets, CSA programs and restaurants that feature "fresh, local and organic" fare has gone from old fashioned to trendy to normal. Why local? Besides being great for you, cheaper and often faster than going to a supermarket, it's also great for local economy. It's a win-win-win, and we love those.

Healthy Kids, Healthy Schools. With the advent of Jamie Oliver's food revolution, the rise of child obesity and diseases, people are starting to get serious about the food they're putting into the next generation.

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