Tuesday, June 30, 2009

John Paul II Pedophile Nuns Army in Ireland

The pedophile priests and nuns who worship John Paul II -- see the list of his ego-maniac monuments named after him strategically established by the Opus Dei in the John Paul II Millstone www.jp2m.blogspot.com -- are coming out of their pedophiliac closets. In Ireland, President McAleese call Catholic religious pedophilia "millstone of biblical proportions” in Irish history. She must have borrowed the term from our weblog of the John Paul II Millstone!


Last Updated: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 12:03

McAleese says abuses a 'millstone'

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* Nuns issue abuse apology | 30/06/2009


The abuse of children in some institutions run by religious orders is a “millstone of biblical proportions” in Irish history, President Mary McAleese said today.

Addressing a conference in Dublin organised by the Sisters of Charity, one of the orders under whose care children were abused, Mrs McAleese also paid tribute to the order for the positive work achieved by its members.

Sr Stanislaus Kennedy, a member of the order, delivered an apology today at the conference to those who were abused in the care of the sisters.

She said members were ashamed, shocked and horrified by the physical and sexual abuse of children. Speaking on RTÉ's Morning Ireland programme, St Stanislaus said she had not personally been aware of any such abuses when she worked at institutions in Kilkenny where they took place.

The conference at Dublin Castle today celebrates the life of Mary Aikenhead, who founded of the Sisters of Charity in 1815.

“It would be impossible to fully do justice or to quantify the many people whose lives were enhanced and helped by the Sisters of Charity and it is important to acknowledge the contribution made over almost two centuries,” Mrs McAleese said.

“But there is a candle burning here today, lit earlier this morning when you held a minute’s silence in commemoration of those whose childhood experiences of institutional abuse are so graphically set out in the Ryan report [the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse].

“Some of that suffering happened to children in the care of the Sisters of Charity. It is a sad chapter in your order’s history and indeed in Irish history, a millstone of biblical proportions and one that calls for Mary Aikenhead’s resilience, determination, humility and focus in the journey of amending and healing which lies ahead.”

The president said today’s conference focused not on the foundress herself but on the “difficult time we are living through economically and the downstream consequences for issues of social justice”.

“There are those who have lost jobs, who face high levels of personal debt, who are terrified of tomorrow and the next day because of the bills they cannot pay and the hopes of their children that they cannot fulfil.”

She called for people to make a stand “in the name of justice” against the “scapegoating and stereotyping” of people who had come to Ireland in recent years from other countries to make a new life here and said they faced the same worries as their Irish neighbours.

Mrs McAleese also noted the work of those engaged in caring for the homeless, the poor and other marginalised groups.

“In these tough times the organisations which deal with the poor and the marginalised are seeing the emergence of a new poor who are often baffled by the sudden change in their fortunes and embarrassed by their inability to cope like they used to do.

“We know that this moment will pass, that we will return our country to a sound financial footing and to prosperity.”

“We will face down this testing period as we faced down many a crisis before but between the problem and its resolution there will be difficult territory to cross and there will be real suffering and hardship for some.”

Last Updated: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 10:00

Nuns issue abuse apology

A nun who campaigns for social justice today apologised to children who were abused while under the care of the Sisters of Charity.

Sister Stanislaus Kennedy, a member of the religious order criticised in the devastating Ryan report, said members were ashamed, shocked and horrified by the physical and sexual abuse of children at its facilities.

She told a conference in Dublin Castle the report laid bare the appalling manner in which the most vulnerable children were treated in institutions run by congregations over the past 50 years.

“We must ensure that wide-scale and systematic abuse of children does not happen again in this country,” she said.

“Abuse happens when power is vested in individuals and institutions who are unaccountable.”

The Ryan report documented decades of sexual, physical and emotional torture inflicted on thousands of children in orphanages, industrial and reformatory schools all over the country.

It outlined severe physical and emotional abuse over many years at two of the order’s institutions, St Patrick’s and St Joseph’s in Kilkenny.

“Within St Joseph’s, there was also sexual abuse, including where 13 boys were brutally abused, sexually and physically by two men employed by the Religious Sisters of Charity as childcare workers who turned out to be cruel and ferocious paedophiles,” said Sr Stan.

“I am desperately sad and sorry that these abuses took place and that these heinous crimes were committed."

“All over the country, children entrusted to the care of religious congregations, ours included, suffered enormously in a sickening abuse of power and position and a scandalous exploitation of vulnerability, for which there is no excuse.”

Sr Stan said the order had acknowledged the hurt caused and planned to do everything in its power to make reparation for the harm done, to alleviate the pain and suffering of victims and to restore, as far as is possible, the dignity that was taken from them as children.

“This includes facing our financial responsibilities in a generous spirit and with an open heart,” she continued.

The campaigner also criticised the current childcare system, highlighting a lack of out-of-hours social work service for children in need and why up to 6,500 child protection cases have not been allocated a social worker.

“One of the most damning indications of our lack of concern about the welfare of children is the fact that 454 migrant children, that’s equivalent to an entire school full of children, have gone missing from the care of the State since 2000, with barely a ripple of disquiet in the community,” she continued.

“We know this is happening and we don’t care. How can we say without blushing that we are determined to learn lessons from the Ryan report and are determined to protect and cherish children in this country when we know they are suffering now?"

“When we allow these outrages to occur without protest we, as a society, are complicit in the suffering of these children,” she added.

President Mary McAleese is due to address the conference later today.


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