Thursday, March 10, 2011

Seven Secrets

I had so much fun playing and seeing others play the Handwriting Game last week, that I'm participating another game of tag this week. Anzouya tagged me for this one, and asked me to share seven secrets with my blog readers. So here we go:

1. I'm a tireless perfectionist. I spend way too much time redoing things, because I can't stand it when things are not 100% consistent and perfect.

2. My favorite way of getting up in the morning is after at least an hour of using the snooze function on my iPhone. It drives my husband crazy because he's one of those lucky people who can wake up at the first buzz of his alarm, and one of those unlucky people who can't go back to sleep once they've awoken.

3. I love mathematics. Wish I had studied that in university instead of getting my MBA.

4. I have no sense of fashion. I never wear make-up and only go shopping for clothes and shoes once or twice a year, and I do not enjoy it.

5. Talking about clothes, I never separate clothes during the wash. I also tumble dry everything and never iron our clothes.

6. I love, love, love organizing but I hate cleaning.

7. My perfect sandwich: buttered untoasted dark Dutch bread with a slice of Dutch Gouda cheese and Nutella.

Now I get to tag seven people to share their secrets: Ashley from Fancy Designs, Brandi from Random Gypsy, Chrissy from Hoot Designs, Jamie from Crafty is Awesome, Kelly from Bad Hausfrau, Kelly from Simply Kelly Designs, and Lisa Lee from Pieces of Me.

I hope you all tell us seven of your (embarrassing) secrets! And anybody else who wants to play, you don't need my tag to tell us your secrets. Share a link in the comments, I will want to read everybody's secrets!

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